What does the 1/2% sales tax fund?

  • Local commercial air service (20%)

  • Ground transportation (10%)

  • Community-led economic development projects (70%)

    • Fremont County communities will be able to independently select economic development projects to best suit their community’s needs.

How and who decides where the funds for the community-led economic development projects are distributed?

The county and municipalities have the right to designate a fair citizen committee or assign an existing economic development organization to review the proposed economic development projects in their community. The group may then make a project recommendation to their governing body for approval.

Which municipalities receive funding from the 1/2% economic development sales tax?

Riverton, Lander, Dubois, Shoshoni, Hudson, and Pavillion receive funding for transportation and economic development. Fremont County as a whole also receives funding which the Wind River Indian Reservation may draw from for economic development projects.

How is the sales tax funding disbursed to the county and communities?

The sales tax funding is disbursed based on the population numbers in the county and municipalities. The greater the population, the greater the funding. This is why the County has the greatest disbursement.

What types of economic development projects does the sales tax fund?

The economic development projects must meet the criteria of retaining or increasing employment or result in a net gain of money into the community. The Forward Fremont County PAC has discussed possibilities of developing recreational facilities, housing developments, and rural healthcare as well as enhancing local housing and broadband. However, any project within the economic development criteria may be pitched to the appointed committee or governing body.

How much money is the sales tax expected to bring in?

Based on Fiscal Year ‘23, the sales tax brought in a total of $4.36 million to Fremont County and the municipalities. A potential multiplier on tax collections could bring in $9 million to the county and municipalities.

What percentage of the tax proceeds come directly back to the county and municipalities?

99 percent of the tax proceeds come directly back to Fremont county and its six largest municipalities.